thirteen bits of news you might have missed(week #6) 1. snake eats electric blanket it took a snake named houdini about six hours to completely eat a queen sized electric blanket cord and all, but only an 18 inch incision in the snake to operate it out. so what were the snakes parents doing for the six hours while houdini was getting extra fiber? 2. bear driven to eat pizza and booze if you are going to leave food in your car, either don't park close to the bears or don't buy highly desireable munchies.
3. thief pays the guy back a guy steals a bike. a guy feels bad. a guy does not return the bike but instead leaves a sorry note and a wad of cash for the exact value of the bike.
4. what is a paperclip really worth? a guy starts a blog and is willing to trade something for a lousy red paperclip. he keeps trading for better things until he finally has something worth trading for a house. his wife really likes the new house. i'd like a new house.
5. more people give back things that don't belong to them a homeless man who is dumpster diving for returnable bottles, finds a whole stack of bonds. he returns them and gets a very small % of their value as a reward. i guess a $100 is more than he started the day with but $21,000 would have been better. not that i'm advocating stealing. apparently a lot of people besides me thought he should get more than that. follow up story
6. someone is stealing only one letter: R some lunatic in toledo, ohio is running around stealing all the r's from various signs in town. normally people steal letters to make new words on the signs. my favorite was at my alma mater. by removing and breaking some letters, they made georgetown college into forget college, and on the big homecoming weekend...hee. however, these new signs don't say anything funny, they are just missing r's.
7. what a weird thing to put in your checked luggage now, i travel with a lot of stuff. half my shoes and nicknacks even, but i have never travelled with a skull. eww.
8. zippo convention first it was treckies and comic geeks and of course sturgis for the motorcycle people, but now there is a whole thing for people who collect zippos. everyone i know who has one loves it. i think i own the only unreliable zippo ever made, probably becuase its cursed. if the person who gave it to me dropped dead, i would not be torn up about it at all.
9. soccer fans are nuts this is kind of like nursing homes across the street from cemetaries. except exclusive like a country club. i've never been dedicated enough to anything to really really really want to be buried right beside it. not sports or shoes or anything. 10. monster eater retires i don't eat a lot at one time, but i graze all the time. this guy! wow! grazes like a mad man all the time. except now his doctor says NO! so's he's quiting cold turkey and all the local restaurants are breathing a sigh of relief.
11. more strange soccer fans a guy trying to pass of a fake passport was also trying to pass himself off as a soccer fan. except that the team he choose and the country's passport he choose didn't match up at all. 12. none of the above how is this helpful?? a guy runs for office and along with trying to get his own name on the ballot, he also wants 'none of the above' listed. and while yes, i often go into the voting booth thinking that i want none of the above, how is voting that way going to help anybody?
13. plane crash but still i do's when my husband proposed, it was, thankfully, much less eventful and had fewer ambulances. its actually a cute story and i'll share it sometime. i'm not sure what this guy's goal was, other than to give a ring. in the end, she said yes, but the ring was lost.
At 8:21 PM ,
Mama Duck said...
Great TT, I have no idea about my favorite character tho. Mine is up as well!
At 8:23 PM ,
Joe said...
Wow...idd stuff indeed!
Thanks for stopping by my site earlier!
At 8:39 PM ,
Crayonsetc said...
Hmmm, favorite character... fictional character... Lilo, from Lilo & Stitch... have you ever noticed for an 8 year old that she can go anywhere and do anything??? ;)
Happy TT!!
At 8:43 PM ,
Natsthename said...
THat one was tons of fun!
I particularly enjoyed the story about the "monster eater." HE ATE three BUCKETS of rice! OH MY!
At 4:23 AM ,
*~*Michelle*~* said...
What fun! Don't you just love the news?
My My Thursday Thirteen is up!
Happy Thursday!
At 6:13 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Well those sure are some interesting (WEIRD!) stories!!
That paperclip guy is amazing, isn't he? I saw that on one of our news story shows (sort of like dateline but not) the other night. I'm in total awe of him.
As for my favourite character? It's always been Piglet for as long as I can remember, so I guess I'll have to say Piglet! :)
At 6:28 AM ,
Knitting Maniac said...
Great list! Very entertaining!
Thanks for visiting!
At 6:29 AM ,
Kelly Curtis said...
Great stories. Nope, I hadn't heard any of that "news" yet! My favorite character of the moment is Andy Griffith. I'm just on an Andy Griffith kick right now. Thanks for stopping by my TT!
At 7:20 AM ,
Lisa said...
The letter stealing - what's that about? Just the R's too. Hmmm. Great idea for a list and I'm gonna come back and re-read and click through the links!
:) Have a great thursday!
At 7:47 AM ,
Carmen said...
We had the same idea with our lists today. :)
My favorite character - I couldn't pick one. Grandma Mazur from the Stephanie Plum books, Ron from the Harry Potter books, Buffy from the TV show.
At 7:59 AM ,
Raggedy said...
I don't have a favorite..
Happy Thursday!
My TT is up
At 8:00 AM ,
Minerva Jane said...
What an fantastic idea for TT. Mine's up too.
At 8:02 AM ,
Anonymous said...
What a darling site! I sympathize with you on the moving! Hope you survive! And all again in 6 months! Yikes.
Happy TT!
At 8:06 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Ok, favorite fictional mind is blank. Bummer, knew I should have fixed coffee first. Um. Now, non-fiction would definitely be Jesus. Okay, my most recent favorite would be Leana in Liz Curtis Higg's Scotland series. The first book is Thorn in My Heart. Great series based on the Biblical story of Jacob, Leah and Rachel. Only set in 1500 Scotland. Many cool twists!
Happy TT!
At 8:32 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I can't choose between Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes and Garfield. Both just crack me up with their sarcasm.
Great list, btw. And the "none of the above"...yeah...that was already the movie "Brewster's Millions", so the guy wasn't even original!
The snake thing is just creepy!!
At 8:36 AM ,
GreekGoddess said...
Wow I haven't heard any of these... some are really funny , some really interesting.. and some plain weird LOL. Great list :)
At 8:42 AM ,
Kim said...
Your list is awesome. I love reading about the crazy things people do. My favorite character is eeorye. I am eeorye.
At 10:16 AM ,
Sarah said...
I loved reading about the homeless guy and the bonds. It's nice that some people decided to reward him. $100 is kind of rude after he gave you back $21,000.
As for characters, lord, I don't even know. I read way too much! I can never pick.
At 10:16 AM ,
Margaret said...
The snake eating the electric blanket was really something. This week was full of some great, interesting and odd stories.
As for characters I like the Pink Panther. He's so sly and James Bondish. -Margie
At 10:32 AM ,
Amanda said...
The last story was funny! I got the feeling she said yes in a hurry incase, he changed his mind after the inauspicious proposal?
No favorite characters, I could think of... maybe...
At 10:33 AM ,
Meira{FB} said...
I'm so sorry, didn't mean to upset you! Just wanted you to know "we care"!.
Favorite character??? Oh come on.........Jack Sparrow!!! Yes!
At 11:17 AM ,
Southern Girl said...
This was a great list! I'd heard about some of these, namely that hungry snake and the red paper clip guy, but most were new for me.
Happy TT!
At 11:22 AM ,
Lyn said...
I did miss a lot of that news...I just don't watch TV much. Thanks for stopping by Bloggin' Outloud and my T13 - Mystery Numbers Edition. lol, lgp
At 11:39 AM ,
Tink said...
Thanks, I'm up-to-date again! :-)
At 11:50 AM ,
Pilot Mom said...
Thanks for popping in to my TT! As for your question, I would have to say Jack Bauer (sp?) on the show 24.
At 1:46 PM ,
Anonymous said...
That is a great list!! Yes, I believe I missed all those stories!! LOL
For favorite movie character I would have to say is Scarlett O'Hara. She was so strong. She was spoiled in the beginning and she is stubborn, but she came around. She knew what she wanted and she went after it even if it was wrong.
This was a very hard question!! LOL, I have so many favorites it was hard to narrow it down, I might have to think about this more and come back with a few more answers.
At 1:48 PM ,
Unknown said...
Good list.
I'd like to say "none of the above" on a ballot too, but you're right, what good is that for anyone? crazy people out there.
zippo convention. wow, i want to start my own convention. :)
At 1:50 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I have to admit, I've spent far too much time at Reuters Oddly Enough and News of the Weird.
Great list. My favorite character? I don't believe in "favorites" as such (too absolute!), but without thinking about it too much I'll say Barney Fife.
Happy TT!
At 1:55 PM ,
Sherri said...
eccletic list!
...thanks for visiting my TT:)
At 1:55 PM ,
YellowRose said...
#13 is amazing...lucky for them all they lost was just the ring!!!
Great post! Happy Thursday!
At 2:09 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I saw the one about the snake...poor guy had 100 stitches! I definitely think the homeless guy should have gotten more then a hundred bucks! That's not even 10%!!
At 2:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog...the answer to #6 is--yes--there were signs all over about the "geographic center" and when you got there there was a tiny little chapel..
As for your blog question--my favorite character? Hmmm. I have lots..One is "Jo" from Little Women and the other is "Jo" from "The Last Year of the War" (a rather uncommon book). :)
At 3:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
The guy with the paperclip is an amazing story-- and to think that he did it all in a year. Of course, no one else will be able to do it, and now he has a movie/tv contract, but what a great idea!
At 3:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
MY TT is up
And as for your question, I think my favorite character is Ramona from the Judy Blume series(her name was Ramona right?) It has been so long but I remember loving those as a kid
At 5:10 PM ,
Anonymous said...
#6...dude must be from New England LOL!
Thanks for visiting!
At 5:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hahahaha, I loved reading all these interesting little news items. Why would somebody steal just the letter R off of signs? My husband once knew some people who called themselves the "Sign Bandits" but their deal was just to rearrange the letters on signs to make funny words. Maybe there is something funny about words without Rs in them but I don't get it...
Happy T13 :)
At 6:19 PM ,
Laura said...
the paperclip story just amazed me.
thanks for visiting my 13 this week.
At 6:29 PM ,
K said...
Interesting list!! I hadn't heard of any of those except for the paperclip story.... interesting, maybe I should try something like that!! And I had only vaguely saw or heard something about the thief and the letter "R". Crazy stuff!!
At 6:52 PM ,
Unknown said...
Those were great stories. I've heard the paperclip one, I'll have to try that one day! My brother has a reticulated python I'll have to show him the one about the snake.
Have a great Thursday!
At 6:55 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hee hee. I think the snake is my favorite though!
At 8:10 PM ,
Bellezza said...
Those were so interesting! What a clever idea for your Thursday Thirteen post. Being just outside of Chicago, I see homeless people dumpster diving all the time. It breaks my heart. I'm glad that person got at least a little something. Thanks for visiting my 13 today.
At 8:14 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I think I missed most of those! Double yuck on that snake story...some very strange stuff out there!
thanks for visiting!
At 8:27 PM ,
Booklogged said...
What a fun TT. I had never heard of any of these before now. I think I'll try the paper clip thing - that's amazing!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit on my blog.
At 8:27 PM ,
Unknown said...
Great TT!!! Thanks for visiting my blog.
At 8:32 PM ,
betsy said...
I loved your list. Thanks for gathering all those up; those are my kind of newstories. And the plane crash thing... at least they are going to get a good story out of it. :-)
also, thanks for the visit!
At 9:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Good idea for a list. Some people are crazy! Bummer about the proposal one, at least it's a good story I guess. I hope their marriage is more successful than the proposal :)
At 9:01 PM ,
Unknown said...
Thanks for visiting my TT today. Your list was very fun to read.
At 9:21 PM ,
Zeus said...
I think I might have to look into number 5. I find lots of spare change around the house while my human pet is away, and I don't always return it. I mean, I could tell her where it was, but why ruin that fun? Next time she is wanting money for the toll road or maybe a drink at work, I'll simply point out that according to number 5, she is going to have to give me some of the profit for telling her where the change is.
Great, fun list! Thank you for visiting me, and I hope you come again! :)
At 9:58 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ok, first ewwww at the snake!! Second, my husband reads all these weird stories on fark or something, but amazingly I've not heard any of these, so thanks for sharing!
Thanks for visiting my 13 as well, I do love buying school supplies, I will just miss naptime :P
At 10:23 PM ,
Renee Nefe said...
I had heard a bunch of those stories, but had to check out the bear one. Funny when we go camping next week they are recommending that we DO store our food in our keep the bears out of our tents.
At 10:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hehe...I'd like a new house too!
Great had me laughing alot!
Love the new site!
At 10:59 PM ,
Anonymous said...
# 13 "when my husband proposed, it was, thankfully, much less eventful and had fewer ambulances. its actually a cute story and i'll share it sometime."
I'll be back, Hope to read about it.
Thanks for the visit over to my place.
At 11:15 PM ,
Dane Bramage said...
Great idea for a T13. I had only heard about half of them. Thanks for stopping by my T13.
At 4:18 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Great T13. I did hear about a few of the stories. As for #12, I guess it helps all those who want to exercise their right to vote, but don't like any of the candidates standing for the elections. It may make parties more particular whom they give tickets to stand for elections...
Thanks for visiting...
At 4:40 AM ,
Darla said...
Oh, that was a time-sink. Highly entertaining, though.
Thanks for stopping by.
At 6:57 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I had seen the snake and the electric blanket but not the others. Great list!!!!
At 7:44 AM ,
Changed by His Love said...
The paperclip story was awesome! Thanks for helping me catch up with the world...and thanks for visiting my TT!
At 9:01 AM ,
Trish Ess said...
What a cool list!! Loved it!
Thanks for visiting my TT!
At 11:04 AM ,
Karla said...
What crazy things on your list! People. ;)
Thanks for stopping by to check out my list. Larry, Darrell & Darrell were on the spinoff in the '90s. I think that show was just called "Newhart". ;)
At 3:10 PM ,
angela said...
I can't believe I missed all of that...Thanks for keeping us updated. The gross is that? Although someone had a TT that talked about walking around with a cooler that said HUMAN HEAD on the side...(for something to do in an elevator)
At 3:35 PM ,
Faerylandmom said...
That was fun to read! And I thought I was updated on current events. ::shrug:: Guess not. :o)
Thanks for visiting my site as well.
At 4:25 PM ,
Don said...
Those are interesting items. I heard about the snake on Paul Harvey. Wasn't it a python?
Thanks for visting Loud-n-Clear (my blog) and commenting on
the T13. Feel free to participate in the other topics on the blog.
Happy blogging.
At 7:17 PM ,
Mama Kelly said...
ive been following the paperclip story on and off for a while
I cant believe he actually got a house
i read that the town may erect a HUGE paperclip at the city limits
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